Details about libraries in the US...

Libraries matter infographic...

A dissection of Modern Librarianship...

Infographic that explains what modern librarians do...

The changing roles of teacher librarians...

There's now no excuse or reason to feel alone...support and inspiration are at you fingertips...

Providing a tasty menu of various genres on offer at your library media center!

The Future of Libraries: Short on Books, Long on Tech
K-12 Librarians' Roles Shift in Age of Blended Learning
Example: Barrows Elementary Media Center's Website
weLearn 1:1 One to One Vancouver Public Schools
AASL CCSS Librarians Brief PDF
“The library is a very popular place to be,” she explains. “It’s a social place, it’s a comfortable place, it’s just a very welcoming place. I really enjoy the students, and I get to be in a position where I’m not grading them, I’m not punishing them, I’m just welcoming them for the most part.”
"At the building level, teacher librarians can curate digital resources, collaboratively design courses, and assist teachers implementing blended learning in classrooms. And as teachers, they can guide students in areas from digital citizenship to effective online collaboration.
Regardless of the blend, online learning will be part of students’ learning. And teacher librarians have important roles in the new anytime, anywhere learning landscape."
“It’s still about providing expert understanding of information resources, how to cite the source, academic honesty, digital citizenship...”
But today, the teacher-librarians are also expected to help “curate and guide learners and teachers to find good content and use it effectively”—a challenge at a time when the massive amount of digital content available to schools resembles the “Wild West,” Mr. Ray said.
"Terri Grief, the president of the American Association of School Librarians, or AASL, said an increasing number of libraries can accommodate not only catalogs of printed materials and other resources, but also easy movable furniture for group projects and individual study, and spaces for multimedia and the use of desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices."
Creating Content Experts
“What Vancouver recognized that few others have is that teacher-librarians are content experts and research gurus,” said Jason Tomassini, the communications director for Digital Promise, a nonprofit based in Washington and California that seeks to improve education through technology and research.
How To Help Every Child Fulfil Their Potential
Published on Dec 15, 2015
Ever wondered why kids say they’re bored at school, or why they stop trying when the work gets harder? Educationalist Carol Dweck explains how the wrong kind of praise actually *harms* young people.
Save Our School Libraries!
Published on Sep 30, 2014
Call to action to parents and supporters of school libraries: Fewer than 200 licensed school librarians remain in the state of Oregon to serve 1250 schools. Call your principal and school board and ask that a full-time teacher-librarian staff your school library NOW! www.olaweb.org/oasl-parents
Get a read on this -- libraries bridging the digital divide: Andrew Roskill at TEDxCharleston
Published on May 14, 2014
Entrepreneur, Andrew Roskill, advocates for the public library of the future, a bustling, multi-purpose techno center that, in cutting edge communities, already exists and thrives.
The library of the future | Melanie Florencio | TEDxCreativeCoast
IPublished on Jun 11, 2014This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. The introduction of a "Maker Space" at the Beaufort, SC public library system marks a transition for libraries where content is no longer simply absorbed, but also created.